Election Challenge 2016

The APF invites Parties and candidates participating in the 2016 Federal Election to make clear their positions on the following matters:

The Privacy Commissioner

1. Does your Party commit to freeing the Privacy Commissioner from the control of the Attorney-General's Department, and providing a sufficient budget, guaranteed three years ahead at all times?

The Privacy Right of Action

2. Does your Party commit to prompt passage into law of the long-awaited privacy tort? Details here

Meta-Principles for Privacy Protection

3. Does your Party commit to the principles of evaluation of proposals, consultation, transparency, justification, proportionality, mitigation, controls and audit? Details here

Privacy Impact Assessments

4. Does your Party commit to mandating Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) on all projects that have significant potential to negatively affect people's privacy? Details here

Public Consultation Processes

5. Does your Party commit to imposing the obligation on all government agencies to conduct meaningful consultative processes with the public in relation to all projects that have significant potential to negatively affect people's privacy?

Counter-Terrorism Legislation

6. Does your Party commit to the repeal of the many unnecessary and unjustified features of post-2001 counter-terrorism legislation?

Data Retention

7. Does your Party commit to the repeal of the Telecommunications Data Retention legislation? Details here and here


8. Does your Party commit to abandoning the PCEHR / 'My Health Record' scheme in favour of specific projects that are targeted at the health of individuals? Details here

The Census

9. Does your Party commit to reversing the decision to retain Names and Addresses with Census data? Details here

Telecommunications Act s.313

10. Does your Party commit to the imposition of tight regulation over the abuse of the s.313 powers. Details here and here