From: Kat Lane To: "" Subject: SMH article 19/10/15 - release of photographs Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 00:47:53 +0000 Dear Elizabeth,Ê We note the reports in The Sydney Morning Herald (19 October) that "The NSW government has authorised the release of photographs taken of people who are granted an extensive range of licences and permits to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and the state crime commission without a warrant or court order". We welcome your reported view that striking the balance between citizens' rights and the desire of security agencies to access their personal information is of "critical importance". The article suggests that the legal basis of the Êauthorisation was a Regulation last Friday, but it is not clear to us precisely how this Regulation overrides the normal constraints of the privacy legislation. Neither do we understand the status of the 'protocols' which you have reportedly advised will be necessary. We would appreciate your clarification of these important issues. Thank you for your assistance. Regards, Katherine Lane Vice-Chair Australian Privacy Foundation Ph 0447620694