From: "Nigel Waters" To: "'Andrew Solomon'" Cc: "APF Board" Subject: Draft Privacy (Persons Reported as Missing) Rules 2014 consultation Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:41:12 +1100 Andrew The consultation paper and website donŐt give a specific email address for submissions on this, but you can no doubt direct it to the right place for us. We have not had time for a major review but from a brief scan the Rules seem to strike the right balance and the guidance is helpful and as clear as it is possible given the complex and confusing structure of the exceptions using the PGS table. As you know we think that structure make it very difficult both for entities and the public, but we know you canŐt do anything about that! We particularly welcome the recognition that many missing persons do not wish to be contacted, and that there can be no automatic presumption that concerned relatives rights should prevail. Nigel Waters Australian Privacy Foundation and Privacy International +61-(0)2 4981 0828 and +61-(0)407 230 342