1 Olmstead v US, 1928
2 Hansard, Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Senate) 19 October 1990
3 ibid,
4 Privacy Commission, 1991 Annual Report, p.46
5 The numbers in these quotes relate to sections of the tender documents
6 Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Report on feasibility of a National ID scheme : The Tax File Number. Aust Gov Pub Service, October 1988
[7] Amendments to be Moved, Taxation Laws Amendment (Tax File Numbers) Bill 1988, December 1988,
[8] ss125A and 138A:
9 Roger Clarke, The resistible rise of the national personal data system, Software Law Journal, Chicago Ill, February 1992
10 D. Flaherty Protecting Privacy in Surveillance Societies University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 1989 p. 393
11 LEAN Tender documents, 1991
12 Attorney General's Department 1991 Annual Report
13 Privacy Committee, Submission to ICAC, 1991
14 Roger Clarke, "The resistible rise of the national personal data system", Software Law Journal, Vol V, No 1, February 1992.
[15] Jan Holvast, Vulnerability of Information Society., in Managing Information Technology's Organisational Impact, ed Clarke R and Cameron J, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1991
16 This does not apply where privacy invasions arises from government initiatives, though the conservative parties are slow to react to even these threats.
17 Protecting privacy in Surveillance societies, p.385
18 Hansard, Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Senate) 17 June 1991
19 See Roger Clarke, The resistible rise of the national personal data system, Software Law Journal, Chicago, February 1992
20 James Rule, The politics of Privacy, Mentor, New York, 1980
21 NSW Privacy Committee, Submission to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, June 1991, p.30.
22 Hansard, Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Senate) 19 October 1990
23 19th October 1990
24 Roger Clarke, The resistible rise of the national personal data system, Software Law Journal, Chicago, February 1992
25 ibid p. 58
26 Privacy Commissioner, Meicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Privacy Guidelines, May 1992
27 ibid
28 Hansard, Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Senate) 19 October 1990
29 ibid
30 Privacy Commissioner; Annual reports 1990 and 1991