The Winners were announced at events in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra, on the evening of Wednesday 20 April 2011. The Winners of the 2011 Orwells were:
On the positive side, one Smith Award was made:
Further information is in the Media Release. If you have any questions, email
Further details about the Awards and the BBA Process are below.
1 Oct 2010 – Nominations open
30 Nov 2010 – Nomination close
10 Feb 2011 – Assessment by the APF Board complete, information to nominees
8 Apr 2011 – Responses due from nominees
20 Apr 2011 – Judging events
For a corporation that has shown a blatant disregard for privacy
For a government agency or official that has shown a blatant disregard for privacy
For a technology that is particularly privacy invasive
For the ‘best’ (most appalling!) quote on a privacy-related topic
For a meritorious act of privacy protection or defence
For outstanding services to privacy protection
Nominations for the above awards are solicited from APF members and the public.
The name of the person who makes the nomination and the seconder are not published. A person may submit more than one nomination for any category.
Nomination is straightforward:
Each nomination will be considered by the APF, to ensure that there is sufficient evidence to support the nomination.
The APF will endeavour to contact the nominee, and provide them with :
If the nominee does not reply or declines to make any comment this is recorded with the nomination.
APF members will be invited to vote for the winners from 10-17 April.
Votes will be collated and the final winners for each Category announced on Wed 20 April 2011.
It is intended that winners will be invited to an Awards Presentation on Wed 20 Apr 2011. Awards that cannot be presented in person will be delivered after that date.
The annual Australian Big Brother Awards for privacy intruders are conducted by the Australian Privacy Foundation (APF). Among the categories for bad deeds, there are also two positive awards for good works in the service of protection of privacy called the "Smiths".
The awards are in the nature of a spoof "Oscars". The Big Brother Awards have become affectionately known as the "Orwells", after George Orwell, the author of 1984, in which Big Brother first appeared. They are in a spirit of fun, incorporating humour, popular participation and audio visual support.
Award winners will be presented with an award certificate to commemorate their achievement upon request.
NB: Winners may also be eligible for special nomination to the international 'Stupid Security Award'.
Since 1998, over 50 Big Brother Awards ceremonies have been held in 16 countries. They are presented around the world by the national members and affiliated organisations of Privacy International to corporations, public officials and governments that have shown a blatant disregard for privacy, those who have done the most to threaten personal privacy in their countries. (See below for more details.) The awards also feature categories for individuals and organisations who have made a major positive contribution to protecting the privacy of Australians.
The Australian Big Brother Awards, hosted by the Australian Privacy Foundation, were established in 2003.
See 2006's Winners for details and background
The Big Brother Awards (BBA) have no relationship with the TV series 'Big Brother'.
The first BBA was held in 1998, whereas the first broadcast of the TV show was in the Netherlands in 1999. However, the first Australian BBA was held in 2003, two years after the TV show was first franchised to the Australian channel, TEN.
See the 2009 winners of the Australian Big Brother Awards, with details.
See the 2006 winners of the Australian Big Brother Awards, with details
Here are the results of the 2005 Australian Big Brother Awards.
Here are the winners of the 2004 Australian Big Brother Awards for privacy intrusion, hosted by the Australian Privacy Foundation. (See also the Media Release for more details)
And, awards on the side of privacy protectors ('The Smiths' , after Orwell's Winston Smith):
The first Australian BBA awards in September 2003 were held in conjunction with related events including the 25th International Privacy Commissioners' conference, the "Surveillance and Privacy 2003: Terrorist and Watchdogs" conference, and the formation of the Asia-Pacific Privacy Charter Council.
The winners were:
Australia was also a winner in the related 2003 international competition for the Most Egregiously Stupid Security Measure.
Here is the BBA International Homepage. This shows that 109 events have been held in 20 countries prior to BBA (Oz) 2011, with 5 of the previous events held in Australia.
These Privacy International awards have been staged in about 20 countries, including (in alphabetical order) Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Generally, BBA events are held at a national level, with judges and nominees drawn from the relevant country.
The first BBA was held in London, England, on October 26, 1998. This inaugural UK event attracted an audience of around 250 civil rights activists, privacy advocates, academics and media.
The inaugural US awards were staged in Washington DC on April 7, 1999, during the 9th Computers Freedom and Privacy (CFP) conference. Around 500 people attended the event, which was extensively reported by media.
The first Australian BBA was held in 2003.