This page contains APF in the Media, APF's Media Contacts and APF's Media Releases

APF in the Media

APF provides substantial public resources and frequent background briefings for the media. APF is also quoted in press reports of the order of 60 times each year.
Here are 2013 and 2012 searches for APF-related news using the privacy-sensitive search-engine Startpage/IXQuick.
Here are searches on news outlets at The Age, SMH, Canberra Times, Murdoch Media, ABC News, Computerworld. The Australian IT Section (to 2012)

Media Contacts

Media enquiries should be directed as follows:

Health Matters:

Chair, Health Committee – (Dr) Bernard Robertson-Dunn – 0411 157 113

Privacy Matters Generally:

Chair – David Vaile – 0414 731 249 , Sydney
Secretary – Bruce Arnold – (02) 6201 2710, Canberra
Vice-Chair – Holly Raiche – (02) 9436 2149, Sydney
Vice-Chair – Roger Clarke – (02) 6288 6916, Canberra

Media Releases

The APF issues Media Releases sparingly, because there are usually more effective ways to represent the public interest in privacy. Here are recent media releases and related materials: